Author: julietkc
My Father’s Gardens: June 2023 Newsletter
My father, Homer Dale Willman, Sr., used to say, “When the Corps hired me, they took a great farmer and made him into a half-assed engineer.” Still, though he worked for over twenty years for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, my father always had a garden if only three strips around the patio. Until…
Dither for Fitness: May 2023 Newsletter
DITHER FOR FITNESS! Hey, Senior Friends! Do you have trouble meeting your daily goals on your fitness tracker? Well, worry no more. With Dr. Juliet Kincaid’s unique Dithering for Fitness tips, you will meet them all with ease. dither intr v To walk back and forth without going anywhere. Inherent Dithering Your home will provide…
Time Change Sunday: March 2023 Newsletter
Time Change Sunday: March 2023 Newsletter Today, I did a little research in Wikipedia about the origins of DST and discovered that clever founding father Ben Franklin first suggested it way back in 1784 as a way to save money on candle use. He also suggested people tax window shutters, ration candles, and wake…