Category: creative nonfiction

  • My Father’s Gardens: June 2023 Newsletter

    My father, Homer Dale Willman, Sr., used to say, “When the Corps hired me, they took a great farmer and made him into a half-assed engineer.” Still, though he worked for over twenty years for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, my father always had a garden if only three strips around the patio. Until…

  • New for Juliet: February 2023 Newsletter

    What’s new at our house includes the air fryer my daughter Jess bought me for a surprise Valentine’s Day present. It turns out that it’s requiring lots more thought than I expected it to including where to put it. In fact, even that was a problem given the lay-out of our kitchen in our house…

  • “But Wait!”

    A Progress Report Since my cataract surgery, I’ve been saying “But Wait” to myself a lot. “But wait! Don’t you have to put your glasses on before you can see to walk around the house?” “But wait! Don’t you have to take your contact lenses out before you put those eye drops in?”   “But…

  • Eye Drops

    A Live and Learn Blog This coming week, I’m scheduled to have cataract surgery on my right eye and the left eye the week after that. Now this is a rather alarming prospect in itself. How come? Well, it’s like this. As a fiction writer used to creating all sorts of nightmare scenarios, I can…

  • “New China Special”

    In “New China Special,” a Memoir of a Marriage, a brief, intimate piece that combines personal memoir with creative nonfiction, a mother shares with her child a series of vignettes – all related to Chinese restaurants in some way – about events that occurred before the child was born or not old enough to remember.…