Tag: authorship
Busier than a button on the . . .
Hi, Everyone! As my dear old darling dad used to say, it’s been busier than a button on a back house door at the Kincaid house this past month. Whew! For instance, the ceiling in the front bathroom of our house had been leaking since the summer of 2019. No need to deal with it…
August 2021 Newsletter
My Once and Future Novel (Part 2, I think) Hi, All! A few nights ago, I thought about retiring on my birthday coming up really soon on 9/11/2021. I’ll be eighty, and maybe it’s time to stop. I told myself that maybe I’d be happy and fulfilled reading and reviewing other people’s books and taking…
Postcard Anyone?
As you can probably tell from the photo, my trials making postcards to promote my publications often include plenty of errors . . . And now that the touch pad on our multi-purpose printer no longer works, we need a printer, especially to print color images on the front sides of postcards that I make…
June 2021 Newsletter
I have become the old woman that . . . I have become the old woman that, wearing pajamas, robe, and flip-flops, totters to the curb on trash day to put one last plastic bottle in the recycle bin. Or still in her nightclothes, she carries the bird feeders to their hooks in the back…
April 2021 WiP Report
I hoped to report that I’ve finished my current Work-in-Progress, Apart in April, Book 5 of my Calendar Mystery series. But it’s not happening, partly because my characters keep talking to me as I write. One of them will say, “How about I do this?” Another might say, “I wouldn’t do that! Take it out!”…
Spring Things
You know what? Life isn’t too bad at our house right now. After all it’s spring. Plus I’ve had both my shots and Jess has had the first. Having them has lowered our stress and helps us sleep better. On the slightly down side, my WiP is going slower than I’d hoped.…
WiP Report January 2021
Last Friday, I finished what I hope will be the next-to-the-last draft of Book 5 of my Calendar Mystery series, set in Kansas City, a place that could get downright deadly a hundred years or so ago for a business girl named Minty Wilcox and a dashing detective named Daniel Price. (Just practicing my blurb…
Mother’s Day Update from Juliet
Hi, Everybody! Just wanted to touch base with you all today. In the last week or so, I’ve followed this advice somebody gave on the opinion page of the K. C. Star as a way to fight the anxiety and depression of living through a pandemic: “Find something that brings you joy, and give yourself…
Novel Basics Card # 20
Novel Basics Card # 20 The Cover Card The Cover Card asks the question, “What’s my novel’s name?” The wise organizers of NaNoWriMo say that those who have covers for their projects before they start drafting them are 60% more likely to write it that those who don’t. I think possibly that simply giving your…
Novel Basics Cards # 18 & 19
Novel Basics Card # 18 The Reader Card The Reader Card asks the question, “Who will read my novel?” By now, you probably have a fairly good idea of who will want to read your novel. For one thing, chances are good that your target or ideal reader reads the same sorts of novels as…