Category: humor
Fun in Old K.C. only 99 Cents
As their wedding day fast approaches, Minty Wilcox has some questions about her fiancé Daniel Price. Did he really kill someone? Why has he never told her he’s rich? And for goodness’ sake, where will they go on their honeymoon? From Minty’s journal . . . But back to my story of naming the…
Free Fun Short Story
“Stop! Thief!” a woman screamed. Across the lobby, outside the New England National Bank stood a stooped woman in black and a raggedy little boy. The woman pointed to a fellow running up the stairs and shouted, “Come back here with my purse.” Then, seeming to notice Minty and Daniel for the first time, she…
“But Wait!”
A Progress Report Since my cataract surgery, I’ve been saying “But Wait” to myself a lot. “But wait! Don’t you have to put your glasses on before you can see to walk around the house?” “But wait! Don’t you have to take your contact lenses out before you put those eye drops in?” “But…
A bit more time . . .
Just then a hullabaloo erupted outside. Men shouted. Horses neighed. A dog barked. In the kitchen, Gerta shouted, “Frau Vilcox, Herr . . .“ But a cat squalling, a dog baying, and a man swearing drowned out the rest of what she said. As Mama smoothed her hair and smiled, Minty sprang up from her…
Cozy Historical Mystery on Sale
MISCHIEF IN MARCH Book 3 in the Calendar Mystery Series By Juliet Kincaid Excerpt from Minty Wilcox’s Journal 11: 55 p.m. on Friday, March 23, 1900 It’s shortly before midnight on the very last day of my life as a single miss. Or so I hope and pray. Right now, I’m sitting on…
The Churl in the Parking Lot
The Churl in the Parking Lot It’s December 1, 2018, shortly before 11, and I’m driving through a light rain on my way to my Sisters in Crime meeting. I’m very excited about it, too, because our speaker today is Julie Mulhern, author of the Country Club Murders and Poppy Fields series, both of which…