Tag: novel writing techniques
Novel Basics Cards 6 & 7
Today we have cards for other important two characters in your novel . . . Card # 6 The Match The Match Card asks the question, “Who fires up the plot car?” I know. I know. This is a bit of a mixed metaphor because you wouldn’t really want to burn up a car. Still,…
Novel Basics: Cards 4 & 5
The cards for today are two important characters in your future novel, one opposed to the protagonist and the other allied, more or less . . . Card # 4 The Boxing Glove The Boxing Glove Card asks the question, “Who will oppose the star of the story?” Card # 4, the boxing glove, asks…
Novel Basics: Cards 2 & 3
Card # 2: the Outcome Card The Outcome Card asks the question, “Does (s)he succeed?” In answering the question on the second card, “Does she or he succeed?” you will figure out if the who gets what she wants or needs. Or more formally, does the protagonist accomplish his goal by the end of the…